Offshore wind and wave have the potential to be the world's largest source of clean, renewable energy. These enormous energy resources are flexible and predictable, but require proper assessment.
A consortium of Tractebel Engineering GmbH, IMDC and the companies of Vaisala and Middle East Technical University (METU) has been assigned to explore the off-shore wind energy potential of Turkey, update and upgrade the existing wind energy atlas of Turkey extending to off-shore in the seas surrounding Turkey (Black Sea, Aegean Sea, and Mediterranean Sea Shores), and to create a new wave energy atlas. In addition to off-shore wind, the assignment also included a market analysis and study comprising of review and description of current state-of-the-art techniques for offshore wind farms as well as giving a guideline for permitting procedures according to existing mature offshore wind markets in Europe.
Using complex numerical modelling and data analysis techniques IMDC in partnership with METU has developed a new Wave Energy Potential Atlas (DEPA) of Turkey aimed at identifying the energy potential arising from waves, current and thermal cycle. The DEPA is a result of consultation process with major national stakeholders and is expected to facilitate development of blue energy sector of Turkey. The wave energy atlas provides multi-faceted data sets required to support investors, project developers and policymakers to identify high-energy yield potential areas for offshore energy projects. The DEPA is reducing the uncertainties in the wave energy yield assessments to make the wave energy sector more attractive to investors. The energy yield evaluation is integrated in the atlas which is extremely important to assess economic and technical feasibility of new projects. The atlas will assist project promotors and investors in the selection and development of potential technologies that suited to the offshore conditions of Turkey. IMDC is interested to support more nations that aim to develop blue energy resources.