Çanakkale marine installation: hydraulic loads and mooring analysis

IMDC was commissioned by Strukton Immersion Projects to assist in the analysis of floating caisson stability of the caissons for the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge Project (Turkey), the largest single-span suspension bridge in the world.

 IMDC assisted in the analysis of stability of the two bridge tower foundation caissons for the Çanakkale Bridge Project, during installation on the seabed. After completion, the Çanakkale Bridge will be the largest suspension bridge in the world. 

The analysis was carried out using state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics software ANSYS® CFD™ and several in-house codes. 

IMDC was responsible for calculating the current, wave and wind loads on the caisson during its lowering into position. 

The line tension forces necessary for design of the lines and the stability of the tug boats and Dynamic Positioning (DP) vessels responsible for guiding the caisson were also calculated by IMDC using ANSYS® Aqwa™.

In addition, ANSYS® CFD™ was used to determine whether vortex induced vibrations caused by currents would not result in resonance of the system of caisson and tugboats. Both caissons were successfully lowered into their final positions by our client and the project is well under way to its completion. 

This achievement was also presented in the reputed OMAE 2019 conference in Glasgow.

Left: Caisson prior to installation, Right: Calculated pressure distribution on caisson faces with Ansys Fluent

The video shows the calculated vortex shedding behind the caissons. 


  • Client: Strukton Immersion Projects
  • Start date: January 2018
  • Completion date: April 2018
