The Hydrological Information Centre (HIC) of Flanders Hydraulics Research publishes multiple times per day previsions of high and low waters and their timing for a selected number of critical locations in the tidal area of the river Scheldt. These previsions are based on different forecasts from hydraulic models that are assessed by experts of HIC and – if necessary – adjusted based on expert knowledge. Due to these manual interventions by hydraulic experts, these previsions are considered to be better than the individual model forecasts. The software application used to create and publish these previsions has recently been developed by IMDC.
To support the publication of expected high and low waters and their timing for a selected number of critical locations in the tidal area of the river Scheldt by HIC, IMDC has recently developed a new software application, named YAMI. YAMI is used on a daily basis by experts of HIC to support the publication of high and low water reports for the Scheldt basin, a critical task, as based on these publications, measures are taken to minimize (economical) damage due to unusual high or low water levels. YAMI is a browser application developed using state-of-the-art technology such as Python-Django and the Django REST framework for the backend REST API and the Vue.js framework and Vuetify for the graphical user interface. The application is running in Docker containers on a dedicated host and is deployed using Gitlab CI/CD. The application has been developed by software engineers in the Digital Water Solutions team at IMDC that have a sound background in both hydrology and software engineering. In addition to the development of the application, IMDC also offers 24/7 support.